Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Our new adventure.

My husband has been out of work for a week now.  So, here we go, another new adventure.  You would think, with both of us not working that we would have so much accomplished by now.  Wrong! Think again. Now that both of us are not working, we spend the day, me on the couch, him in his chair, each sitting in front of our own laptop doing nothing.  Well, the equivalent of nothing, which basically consists of reading Facebook posts, checking emails, filling out applications and then there is the worrying.  I think I do a lot more of that then he does.  Could be because I'm a girl, could be because I know how much our bills are and have been responsible for paying them for years, could be that I just worry more.  Well whatever the cause, I think it's just gonna cause my hair to turn gray faster, and now  I won't even be able to afford the hair color.  Yikes!!! No one wants that.  Okay, I'll be honest, no one else cares, but I care much more than I should be admitting to.  Now if someone ever wants to know how to torture me the proper way, they know I will confess anything for hair color.  

Well, when everything is said and done, hopefully we will be able to handle our enforced time together without killing each other.  I guess one cannot wish for more than that.  Well... okay, I won't go there.  Who knows what this new chapter of our lives will entail?  Whatever it will be, I guess it will stick with the standards that we have followed and that is just go with it.